Nothing Compares To You

One of the best lessons that yoga has taught me is to not compare myself; not to others, not to myself and my capacity at any point before that moment in time, and especially not to this image that my mind has projected of who/where/what/how I should be. At each moment in time, we have to accept that we are the best that we can be and that self is fluid and can change based on circumstances. Beating oneself up over not being one thing or another does no good and serves no purpose.

Over the Labor Day weekend my bestie, Bean, took me with her to the annual Girls & Gays weekend that her and a group of friend’s have celebrated for almost a decade now; on this trip, I met some amazing, diverse and dynamic people. One of these women happened to mention that she sometimes felt like she hadn’t accomplished all she had hoped to by the time she was in her early thirties, and yet as I had heard about many of her amazing life experiences from Bean beforehand and was privy to even more during our time together for G&G weekend, I remarked that she had lived such a full, unique and amazing life so far. There really was no reason for her to think any less of herself because life hadn’t come to fruition into this ‘vision’ she had for herself at some point in her life.

When I look back upon my life, I could never have imagined nor predicted the amazing experiences that I have had, and where I would be today. I cannot even fathom what the future holds for me. And I am grateful for that. I have been blessed, and even the hardships have been a formative part of getting me to where I am today. There isn’t one thing I would change, nothing that I would force to be different in my past, nor in what the future may hold for me. Life provides the most amazing opportunities, and I am absolutely open to seeing where the next adventure will take me. It is a path that I cannot, nor do I wish to, plan or predict. I have full faith that where I am going will be exactly where I need to be, at the exact moment and in the precise way that I need to be there.